Friends Alliances & Partners at the PGA Show ~ IQ Plus Golf Bar

Feb 10, 2011 by

We would like to introduce everyone to a great group of people and a truly unique Golf Sports Performance Product, IQ Plus Foods and the IQ Plus Golf Bar. Thank you Ralf for allowing the Golf Belles to try your Golf Bar!


IQ Plus Golf Bar with the Golf Belles at the PGA Show   IQ Plus Golf Bar with the Golf Belles at the PGA Show.





The IQPLUS® Golf Bar has been specially formulated for golfers’ needs by a sports nutritionist. The product is a unique combination of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and the key ingredient PS (Phosphatidylserine).
We carefully studied golfers’ nutritional needs and formulated the product according to the latest sports science without compromising taste. We selected only premium ingredients which we combined in a unique way to provide balanced nutrition with an additional golf specific benefit: improving accuracy off the tee.

IQ Plus Foods

Our Goal. Our Passion. Our Mission.
You can lower your handicap by investing in the latest equipment, taking lessons from qualified PGA professionals or spending hours on the range and practice putting green. But can you eat your way to a better score? At IQPLUS®, we are driven to provide you with golf specific nutrition designed to support your game.

We want to help you succeed.
We are passionate about golf and fitness, health and wellness. We started IQPLUS® to help golfers like you reach your goals by providing nutritional products that are designed to help you excel. All of our products are backed not only by decades of sports nutrition science, they have also been tested individually in clinical studies to prove their specific benefits. They must live up to our high standards to meet the nutrition needs of our customers—golfers—from world-class champions and dedicated amateurs, to beginners.

See how the IQ Plus golf bar can help your golf game……

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