4 Steps to Branding Yourself with a Purpose

Sep 26, 2011 by

4 Steps to branding yourself with purpose

 It’s not what I know or who I know; it’s who knows me.  This mindset is responsible for the success of thousands of people all over the world.

In the next 60 seconds you will obtain valuable information from an expert golf fashion stylist and imaging-branding expert on how you can guarantee an infinite number of people will know who you are. Before we get to the steps you must let these three principals resonate with you.

Principal 1 – your image speaks before you do; therefore portraying the right image is imperative for your success.

Principal 2 – you can brand yourself through your image; however, your brand is only as strong as the belief behind it

Principal 3 – the only image worth branding is one that is built upon your passion(s) in life

Principal 4 – using your brand to make more money to help more people is key  


Now that there is clear understanding behind the mindset we hold as true, action is ready to be taken through the following 4 steps:


Step 1-Get a piece of paper and write down 1 passion you have.  Next to that write down words and/or draw symbols that depict your passion. Then, cut this out and put tape on the back of it as if you were going to pin it up

Step 2- Zero in on your favorite physical characteristic about yourself

Step 3- Take the cut out you made from Step 1 and tape it on the location you chose in Step 2.

Step 4- Brainstorm for 5 minutes on how you can combine Steps 1-3 to create a style that allows you to incorporate you passion into your new image.  

(For further help with brainstorming, email GolfStyleByChristina@gmail.com with the subject line saying, “4 Steps to branding yourself with purpose” and a creative team member will get back to you shortly)


You have now been equipped with the proper mindset and tools to help you create a brand through your image. Good luck and have fun with it!


To your style,

Christina Snyder

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