10 Keys to optimize your Facebook business fan page

Mar 27, 2013 by

10 Keys to optimize your Facebook business fan page


With the Golf Belles team having over 40,000 friends on Facebook (yes that is 40k golfers from around the world) we get our fair share of recommendations to like our FB friends business fan page. We try to accommodate all of the requests but what drives us crazy is seeing some of these business pages just thrown up on Facebook without any thought, effort or strategy behind them.

Facebook business pages are a major marketing platform for your business and in fact as important as your website so businesses need to make sure that their Facebook business fan page is reflective of the quality of your product and or service.

 a sign post with marketing and strategy on street like signsFacebook has over 6 million Facebook views every minute, a billion users, about 240 billion photos and more than 1 trillion connections.

Fortune 500 business drives all their online activity to Facebook.

Check out the Golf Belles Business Fan Page for a good example of what we are talking about.

This is why your business is on Facebook and invests time, effort and money riding this wild social pony. Make sure you are optimizing your Facebook Business investment by following our 10 keys to optimize your Facebook Business Fan Page.Facebook.Were-on


We hope our social media/marketing suggestions below help your business. images


  1. 1. Choose the best name for your Facebook Business Page and create a custom fan page URL.
  2. Make your Cover Picture and Profile Picture professional. Know the current content rules.  Don’t use the wrong size or low resolution pictures that look like a two year olds finger painting. This is your business store front so make it look inviting and a great representation of your business.
  3. Have a Custom Landing Page where people can sign up for more information on your business. YOU NEED A CUSTOM LANDING PAGE!
  4. Make your business page a fun place to check back with; games, fun posts, videos, links, contests, editorials, insight, education VERSUS selling your product all the time.
  5. Customize your tabs, if you optimize the graphics of your page then make your tabs look fabulous also. Make sure you leverage the tabs and apps that are available to you.
  6. Optimize the SEO on your Business Fan Page, ask us how or look it up but you need to be found versus being the best kept secret.
  7. Create engaging content, this is a social platform so make sure your content is social and a two way conversation.
  8. Media, Media and more Media, pictures that are tagged, videos are a must, and updates on a regular basis – All of which need to be optimized for Search too.
  9. Follow Facebook’s terms with respect to contests, content and pictures. Last thing you want to do is to spend time, money and energy on your Facebook Business Page and then have it shut down. Believe me this does happens.
  10. Make sure you have a sharing tool, or integration marketing application in place that connects all your social media content with your website, landing pages and other online mediums.


Let us know if you have any questions, we love to help.original


Susanita at golfbelles.com

Golf Belles




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