Friends, Alliances & Part...
The Golf Belles were lucky enough to meet a great group of people and new friends from a vast array of companies at the PGA show...
read moreThe Golf Belles were lucky enough to meet a great group of people and new friends from a vast array of companies at the PGA show...
read moreThe Golf Belles found a wonderful new company out of France, L’ &tiquette. Very stylish and european but what would you...
read moreThe Golf Belles would like to let everyone know how Karen and the crew at Glove It rocked the PGA Show! Not only was their booth and...
read moreThe Golf Belles were lucky enough to touch base prior to the show with Jeehee Han of Evan Golf and from the pics below the girls...
read moreAlready a highly successful Realtor and entrepreneur, she and her husband Michael decided to make a difference for women in the golf industry by creating a new branch of their marketing company, the Golf Belles. The company and its foundation help “empower women golfers at every level of the game…and of life,” says Susanita.
read moreAnother designer that the Golf Belles love 4all by JoFit. Not only fashionable and funky golf wear but tennis and fitness lines too!!...
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